Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Why I trust my cat

So, you see, there are reasons why I don't worry about Jingle being alone.

I know, I know, my family is thinking "what are you talking about?! You go nuts everytime you leave her!"

Well, this is true, but it's not because I don't trust her. I just can't stand to be away from her. I'd never leave the house if I didn't have to because I love how she is just always there, always loving, always cuddly.

But anyways, my point. I had a point, really!

Things have been really crazy lately. Work is long hours (mostly because some of the others are on holidays so I have some covering to do, and July is bad because of quarterly reports needed) and it's meant late nights, an average of 4 hours sleep each night for the past two weeks and a good dose of stress. Not complaining!!!! It's temporary! This business always has those periods and it happens about every three months.

Well, I'm slowly loosing my mind a little and last night I finally got to sleep at about 2:30am and had to leave the house at 7am to get to Windsor. I wasn't thinking last night or this morning and when I came home, I realized that I not only left the patio door open all night and all day (don't worry, I'm on the 11th floor, not like someone is going to get in) but I also left a glass of water on the table, my half eaten dinner on the counter along with the rest of the supper dishes, piles of papers loose in the office and living room and an unmade bed with fresh clothes on it.

I'm not a slob, I was working and these things were at the back of my mind. Never got to them before exhaustion hit.

So after a full day on her own, with an abundance of things to get into (or out of in the case of the patio door), guess what my little girl got into today....

Zip, Zero, Natta!!! If I'm home working Jingle will consider every paper pile a toy but if I'm not here to watch her, she won't touch it.

She loves to push or pull things off the coffee table in front of me, including glasses of water sometimes, but when I leave, everything stays the way I left it.

I can leave food out (accidentally leave it out, again, not a slob) and she will not touch it.

I can leave clean clothes on the bed and she just simply sleeps around them and doesn't touch them.

What she does play with is her own toys, her own water, her own food.

So I have absolutely no reason to not trust my cat. I don't know for sure if she only does the kitten thing when I'm around for attention or because she just believes that it's okay as long as I'm here, I just know that my belongings are always safe when I'm not here.

And just so you know, Jingle has never hurt, damaged or destroyed anything I own, ever, while I'm away since the day I brought her home. Gee, she really is a great cat.

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