Why I love my mommy...
So I thought it was time to write a blog again because I haven't blogged much lately. Well, mainly because it's mommy that goes out and does things, I am just a cat afterall. New exciting things don't happen everyday for me, but that's how I like it. Just me and mom in our quiet lives.
So we had a great weekend, mommy worked at home a lot but we still had plenty of time to relax together and bond. As you can see from the fact that our movie list grew by about 10 this weekend, knocking the movies we just saw two days ago off the list. But that's what we like to do.
So anyways, why I love my mommy....
All the mushy reasons exist of course, but I think one of the greatest things is that with mommy, I can do no wrong. And today, I thought I would just really test my limits earning me a whole bunch of hugs and laughing from mommy.
It started with a 3am toe licking session. Mommy is sooooo not a morning person so every once in a while I decide to disturbe her sleep with a cold nose in her ear, a nip on her hand, etc. So at 3am, I started licking her toes. That was fun. Whatever dream she was having was totally gone. So after her mild heart attack and nearly kicking me in the head from shear reflex action, she grabbed me, hugged me, called me a stinker and went back to bed.
Then, at 7am, I brought her my favorite toy. But I thought it would be better if I instead of leaving it beside her, I just dropped it right on her face (hee hee, what a riot). Another hug and exhausted laugh and she decided it was too early to wake up on a holiday monday.
At 8:45 I decided that was enough sleeping (who cares if we stayed up until 2am watching movies, I can sleep all day if I want) so I just sat in the doorway and cried like something was wrong until mommy woke up startled and came running out of the bedroom. After looking around to see what happened to cause me to cry so loud and seeing nothing out of place, she flopped on the couch and I immediately jumped up for a rub. Clueing in, mommy again laughed, ruffled my fur and hugged me.
Now, any normal human would be furious by now over these antics and any normal cat would be in deep doo doo, but not me, and not my mommy.
So the day rolls on and mommy decides to check her email. Wanting attention from her and not caring about her mail, I decide to jump up on her lap and proceed to drop myself on her computer. Aparently that was a bad idea because pressing all the keys at once caused something crazy to happen and it froze the whole computer up. It took an hour for some scan thingy to run when she restarted it. But, I wasn't in trouble, she just pulled the "stinker" comment out and hugged me.
So then she decided that it was time to relax and watch tv. So I proceed to use mommy as a cushion to watch tv with her. Since she wasn't petting me enough, I decided to climb up on her chest and put my nose to hers until I was satisfied and causing her to not be able to see the television. Again, a laugh from mommy and a great hug. Then she had to run to the washroom but I wasn't done getting a rub so I followed her and was right up on her lap. Then back to the couch for more rubs. And finally, to bed, where it's now common practice for mommy not to be able to go to sleep until I get enough love from her.
So you see, I'm spoiled and I know it. I can do anything to command attention from mommy whenever I want it and never get into trouble. And that's one of the many reasons why I love mommy.
Good night everyone! *Meow*
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