Friday, July 13, 2007

Site Meter

So I found a cool little widget that counts the visits on my blog. Well, okay, you can get website counters anywhere but this one, tracks so much more. It tracks IP addresses, locations, content clicks, etc., etc. Check it out at

I found the widget through Chantelle's website actually, she has the same one and it's called Site Meter.

Being the innocent little gal that I am when it comes to computers, I always thought that the only people who would ever find my blog would be those that I told about it. WRONG!!!

I've had the meter up for less than a day and someone from Italy, Spain, and Bolivia found me (didn't even know where Bolivia was until I looked at the map).

Greetings to the two people from Jersey that popped in for a visit.

One person from Edmonton Alberta came to visit me. I'll bet you all a buck it was Cousin Jeff. Hi Cousin Jeff!!!

And a whole whack of people from Utah came and saw me today. I'm really not sure why there is a sudden flux from Utah, but it's cool nonetheless. Hello Utah!! Although, it could have just been one person from Utah that stopped by a whole bunch of times too, but greetings nonetheless.

Site Meter also tracks referrals which seems to be basically, how people found my blog and it looks like I'm mostly coming up google and blogger searches. One person found me through Chantelle's blog but that might have actually been me testing a link for my mom. I set the counter to ignore my own visits but according to the site meter site, I slipped through the counter times today.

So, I'm kind of enjoying this. It's really cool to me that people from all over the world can find my little blog. Not everyone sticks around, but some apparently did and that's pretty neat. One of the Utah people hung around for 53 minutes!

Can't wait to see who finds me next!

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