Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vacation temporarily over!!!!

Hey everybody!

I know, I know, it's been a month since Jingle and I blogged. We aren't trying to keep you out of our lives, honestly. Its just that we go through spells where we (I'm) busy and just can't find time to write a blog. Also, we find many days where it's much more important to us to grab Jingle's favorite toy, curl up under our favorite blanket (a handmade patchwork quilt my grandmother gave me) and watch a movie together. Anyone who know me well knows that I will drop everything I'm doing if Jingle wants a "snuggle" and give her the attention she so rightly deserves.

Lately, she's been big on cuddling and is into movies more than ever. I think she is anxiously anticipating the new Harry Potter movie coming very soon because she is now starting to pull the DVD's off my movie shelves and bring them to me. After a few permanent teeth marks, I moved Harry and his friends to the top shelf and moved my boxed sets to the lower shelves. Aparently the deluxe super edition of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, all six Star Wars, the Godfather movies, Indiana Jones, and the Family Guy and Simpsons collection prove to be too big and heavy for her little mouth. Not that she didn't try.

But I can't complain. For a girl that never tried to teach her cat tricks, Jingle does some pretty cool ones. You have to love a cat that runs immediately to the bed and starts pulling the covers back as soon as I say "Bedtime!". A cat that greats you at the door and talk to you about her her day for 20minutes. Or a cat that faithfully and attentively watches Harry Potter and any and all Disney movies. A cat that comes when she's called, that ensures I take a break every hour on the hour when I work at home by either jumping on my laptop or crying at the top of her lungs until I come running. A cat that loves the bubbles in a bath and bats them into my face all the time. And conveniently goes deaf when shes done something wrong but can hear the fresh "slurp" of her treat jar when opened from the deepest sleep or the faintest ringing of her lazer pointer from a mile away. And the list goes on.

She's one crazy kitty and keeps me on my toes. Because of this, we just sometimes forget to blog. We get so wrapped up in each other that time flies and before we know it, we are far behind in postings.

When you have the greatest cat in the world (in my own opinion, I know, no angry responses to that) you tend to give her everything you have. It's amazing how such a little, tiny thing can take up so much of my heart.

Love you Jingle!!!

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