What does Heaven taste like?
There are a few times in all our lives that we get that rare chance to taste "heaven". For me, I experienced it over the Mother's Day weekend.
I was lucky enough to have my parents come visit me from Merrickville over the weekend so that I could still see my Mom on mother's day (well, close to at least, the left saturday to see my sister in Mississauga and celebrate her birthday as well).
While they were here we decided one night to postpone dinner and check out the newest dessert place in my neighbourhood, the Marble Slab Creamery! I'm telling you, this place is sinful, but good. It's an ice cream shop that will customize your ice cream and make it fresh right in front of you. You can buy cones (homemade waffle cones to be exact), get your ice cream in bowls (for those afraid to drip on their clothes like I did) or order a quart to take home for later.
My parents shared a strawberry ice cream which was basically a delicious vanilla ice cream with the largest chunks of fresh strawberries I have ever seen. Me however, I decided that I was not going to care about calories, fat content, sugar, anything! I was going to enjoy my parents company, celebrate their visit and spoil us with a great dessert (which Dad promptly insisted on paying for, Thanks, Dad!). And my choice of ice cream was heaven wrapped up in a warm waffle cone. I had their signature "Peanut Butter Crunch" ice cream. Adam, you are going to love this one!
This delicious concoction consists of a base of deadly chocolate ice cream with Nestle Crunch Bars and Reese Peanut Butter Cups crushed inside. Well, they said crushed but it was more like peanut butter cups quartered. Huge chocolatey chunks, had to have been the equivalent of at least two full bars of the favorite candy. With hits of the great rice crispy snap of Crunch bars. It was insanely delicious. The only problem, every day since, I want to go back for more!!!!
So there was my little experience of a taste of heaven while enjoying my parents wonderful company. Hopefully by the next time they visit I can get a bed for the spare room and spare my couch! Can't wait to see you guys again, Jingle and I miss you already.
We heard all about the 'experience' you had eating this ice cream...all i can say is that I now really want to try it! I guess my Reese Peanut Butter Puffs cereal will have to do for now!
I promise to take you next time you visit Adam!
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