Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Get the parent's blogging!!!

Okay everyone, this is a campaign! A campaign to get my parents blogging!

As I said in a previous blog, our family is about to be spread all across Ontario, and it pretty well sucks. But it's for good reasons.

Okay, a little history... My sister and I grew up in London Ontario with our parents. We became adults, graduated, got jobs. My job took me to Niagara for a few years, Chantelle's took her to Toronto (okay so it was actually Oakville, then Mississauga but it's all the same thing really). So we were kind of forced to abandon the nest and leave Mom and Dad all alone in London. This was tough since our family is so close but they were the right moves to make and we were all happy in our respective cities. The nice thing was that Niagara and Toronto are only about two hours away from London so we were able to visit home often.

Well, work just brought me back to London finally in October of 2006. I found a great, beautiful apartment in the best part of London (go Masonville!!!!) and it was right around the corner from my parents (0.4 kms to be exact). Couldn't be more perfect. Well, around the same time, my Dad was offered a two year contract with work in Ottawa (well, Ottawa area, far away nonetheless). So tough times again. I finally come home and the parents run away. Think they're trying to tell me something? Nah!!!

So, in a whirlwind, off Dad goes to Ottawa while Mom stays to sell the house and prepare to move and this Friday, they officially move. Instead of the two hours driving to visit, it's now six!! Plus, Chantelle and Adam, Mom and Dad, and I are all really busy right now in our lives so leaving for a weekend is not always possible. Chantelle had the original idea to start a blog so family and friends could stay in touch and that's why I recently started my blog. The goal now is to convince my parents to become Bloggers as well so that we can keep up on what's happening in their lives and continue to see Holly and Peewee grow!

So if you think that Mom and Dad, aka Mr. & Mrs. T should start their own blog, post a comment here! I'll add them up, compile them in a report and prove to my parents that it's a great thing to do. So help out the family, vote for a parental blog!!


Sixth and Elm said...

I'll sign the petition1 There is a petition, right? Where is it?

"Go Masonville?" Is there a "Team Masonvile" somewhere? What do they do?

"Jingle" said...

Masonvillers are just proud of where they live!

And you already signed the petition, it's the blog its self! I'll show all the comments to Mom and Dad after they move and settle.

Sixth and Elm said...

How 'bout we get YOU blogging again?